Spelling Expectations

Each month the students will receive a spelling menu for the month.  Every other Monday, students will receive their words as well as the focus of the words. Students are given two weeks to work on their words and complete 2 activities from the menu in their spelling notebook. It is the students choice on which activities they would like to complete for the 2 week period.  They will have a spelling notebook that they will use to complete all their spelling activities.  In their notebook they will need to write the date and the name of the activity on the top of the page and complete the activity below that. Once they have completed the activity, they will need to cross out the activity on the menu. The menu will be glued into their notebook on Monday so that it is not lost during the weeks. After the two weeks are up, students will take a spelling test on every other Friday.  Then on the next spelling 2 week period, the students will use the same menu for that month but will need to complete different activities from the week before.  That means they should have completed a total of 4 activities by the end of both of the spelling weeks. Time will be built into our day to complete spelling, but if your child is not able to complete it during our time, it may be sent home as homework.